Brewer's Best Deluxe Beer Equipment Kit w/ Better Bottle contains everything a beginning brewer needs except boiling pot, bottles
and caps: 6.5 gallon "Ale Pail" Primary Fermenter with Grommeted Lid,
6.5 gallon "Ale Pail" Bottling Bucket with Spigot, 5 Gallon PET Carboy,
"Home Beermaking" Book, Easy Clean No-Rinse Cleanser, Drilled Rubber
Stopper, Triple Scale Hydrometer, Siphon Hose and Shut-Off Clamp, Twin
Lever Capper, Liquid Crystal Thermometer, Lab Thermometer, Brew Paddle,
Airlock, Fermtech Auto Siphon, Bottle Filler, Bottle Brush and Equipment